2003 Statistics
2003 University of Virginia Volleyball Virginia Overall Team Statistics (as of Nov 22, 2003) All matches Overall record: 25-9 Conf: 8-8 Home: 8-4 Away: 9-4 Neutral: 8-1TEAM STATISTICS VA OPP--------------------------------------------------------ATTACK........................ Kills....................... 1894 1784 Errors...................... 714 848 Total Attacks............... 5104 5170 Attack Pct.................. .231 .181 Kills/Game.................. 15.4 14.5SET........................... Assists..................... 1728 1662 Assists/Game................ 14.0 13.5SERVE......................... Aces........................ 188 140 Errors...................... 263 256 Aces/Game................... 1.5 1.1SERVE RECEPTIONS.............. Errors...................... 140 188 Errors/Game................. 1.1 1.5DEFENSE....................... Digs........................ 2156 2170 Digs/Game................... 17.5 17.6BLOCKING...................... Block Solo.................. 60 55 Block Assist................ 485 421 Total Blocks................ 302.5 265.5 Blocks Per Game............. 2.5 2.2 Block Errors................ 41 72BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 39 62ATTENDANCE.................... Total....................... 4326 5875 Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 12/360 13/452 Neutral site #/Avg.......... 9/184 Current win streak.......... 0 - Home win streak............. 1 -MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total-----------------------------------------------------Virginia............ 0 0 14 5 6 - 25Opponents........... 0 0 6 2 1 - 9GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total-----------------------------------------------------Virginia............ 21 22 20 10 6 - 79Opponents........... 13 12 14 4 1 - 44POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total-----------------------------------------------------Virginia............ 955 922 942 392 105 - 3316Opponents........... 865 820 868 361 73 - 2987
Overall Individual Statistics
2003 University of Virginia Volleyball Virginia Overall Individual Statistics (as of Nov 22, 2003) All matches Overall record: 25-9 Conf: 8-8 Home: 8-4 Away: 9-4 Neutral: 8-1 |-----------ATTACK---------| |---SET---| |-----SERVE----|## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Paige Davis 123 34-34 483 3.93 132 1227 .286 14 0.11 29 0.24 3718 Alexis Geocaris 123 34-34 331 2.69 98 723 .322 12 0.10 23 0.19 478 Shannon Boyle 123 34-34 306 2.49 96 726 .289 6 0.05 27 0.22 2916 Lindsay Osco 113 34-30 303 2.68 136 926 .180 27 0.24 34 0.30 495 Kristin Chaney 105 32-25 178 1.70 81 591 .164 23 0.22 17 0.16 263 Celeste Laborde 101 33-0 168 1.66 91 486 .158 4 0.04 6 0.06 911 Emily Perilli 59 25-13 69 1.17 56 249 .052 5 0.08 7 0.12 2015 Emily Kirkwood 123 34-34 20 0.16 11 83 .108 1120 9.11 32 0.26 322 Kathleen Branagh 94 30-0 14 0.15 3 31 .355 456 4.85 11 0.12 86 Whitney Ashcraft 123 34-0 16 0.13 3 34 .382 58 0.47 1 0.01 013 Meghan O'Leary 8 5-0 4 0.50 2 8 .250 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 Lisa Krolikowski 11 10-0 2 0.18 5 20 -.150 1 0.09 0 0.00 210 Annie Hylton 20 10-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.10 1 0.05 3 VIRGINIA............ 123 34-34 1894 15.40 714 5104 .231 1728 14.05 188 1.53 263 Opponents........... 123 34-34 1784 14.50 848 5170 .181 1662 13.51 140 1.14 256 |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Paige Davis 123 2 185 1.50 2 97 99 0.80 5 2 562.518 Alexis Geocaris 123 1 69 0.56 27 124 151 1.23 9 5 443.08 Shannon Boyle 123 1 89 0.72 22 117 139 1.13 8 0 413.516 Lindsay Osco 113 37 376 3.33 3 43 46 0.41 5 0 361.55 Kristin Chaney 105 43 279 2.66 3 37 40 0.38 1 2 216.53 Celeste Laborde 101 1 21 0.21 1 35 36 0.36 3 0 192.511 Emily Perilli 59 16 135 2.29 1 14 15 0.25 4 1 84.015 Emily Kirkwood 123 0 248 2.02 1 15 16 0.13 2 17 60.52 Kathleen Branagh 94 2 110 1.17 0 0 0 0.00 3 9 25.06 Whitney Ashcraft 123 17 627 5.10 0 0 0 0.00 0 3 17.013 Meghan O'Leary 8 0 1 0.12 0 1 1 0.12 1 0 4.54 Lisa Krolikowski 11 0 4 0.36 0 2 2 0.18 0 0 3.010 Annie Hylton 20 2 12 0.60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 TEAM 18 VIRGINIA............ 123 140 2156 17.53 60 485 302.5 2.46 41 39 2384.5 Opponents........... 123 188 2170 17.64 55 421 265.5 2.16 72 62 2189.5
Category Leaders
2003 University of Virginia Volleyball Virginia Category Leaders (as of Nov 22, 2003) All matches## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct--------------------------------------------------------6 Whitney Ashcraft 123 16 0.13 3 34 .3822 Kathleen Branagh 94 14 0.15 3 31 .35518 Alexis Geocaris 123 331 2.69 98 723 .3228 Shannon Boyle 123 306 2.49 96 726 .2897 Paige Davis 123 483 3.93 132 1227 .28613 Meghan O'Leary 8 4 0.50 2 8 .25016 Lindsay Osco 113 303 2.68 136 926 .1805 Kristin Chaney 105 178 1.70 81 591 .1643 Celeste Laborde 101 168 1.66 91 486 .15815 Emily Kirkwood 123 20 0.16 11 83 .10811 Emily Perilli 59 69 1.17 56 249 .0524 Lisa Krolikowski 11 2 0.18 5 20 -.150 VIRGINIA............ 123 1894 15.40 714 5104 .231 Opponents........... 123 1784 14.50 848 5170 .181## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game---------------------------------------15 Emily Kirkwood 123 1120 9.112 Kathleen Branagh 94 456 4.856 Whitney Ashcraft 123 58 0.4716 Lindsay Osco 113 27 0.245 Kristin Chaney 105 23 0.227 Paige Davis 123 14 0.1110 Annie Hylton 20 2 0.1018 Alexis Geocaris 123 12 0.104 Lisa Krolikowski 11 1 0.0911 Emily Perilli 59 5 0.088 Shannon Boyle 123 6 0.053 Celeste Laborde 101 4 0.04 VIRGINIA............ 123 1728 14.05 Opponents........... 123 1662 13.51## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE-------------------------------------------------------18 Alexis Geocaris 123 27 124 151.0 1.23 98 Shannon Boyle 123 22 117 139.0 1.13 87 Paige Davis 123 2 97 99.0 0.80 516 Lindsay Osco 113 3 43 46.0 0.41 55 Kristin Chaney 105 3 37 40.0 0.38 13 Celeste Laborde 101 1 35 36.0 0.36 311 Emily Perilli 59 1 14 15.0 0.25 44 Lisa Krolikowski 11 0 2 2.0 0.18 015 Emily Kirkwood 123 1 15 16.0 0.13 213 Meghan O'Leary 8 0 1 1.0 0.12 12 Kathleen Branagh 94 0 0 0.0 0.00 3 VIRGINIA............ 123 60 485 302.5 2.46 41 Opponents........... 123 55 421 265.5 2.16 72## POINTS (by Pts/Gm) G Points Pts/G------------------------------------------7 Paige Davis 123 562.5 4.5718 Alexis Geocaris 123 443.0 3.608 Shannon Boyle 123 413.5 3.3616 Lindsay Osco 113 361.5 3.195 Kristin Chaney 105 216.5 2.063 Celeste Laborde 101 192.5 1.9011 Emily Perilli 59 84.0 1.4213 Meghan O'Leary 8 4.5 0.5015 Emily Kirkwood 123 60.5 0.494 Lisa Krolikowski 11 3.0 0.272 Kathleen Branagh 94 25.0 0.276 Whitney Ashcraft 123 17.0 0.14 VIRGINIA............ 123 2384.5 19.38 Opponents........... 123 2189.5 17.80## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game----------------------------------------7 Paige Davis 123 483 3.9318 Alexis Geocaris 123 331 2.6916 Lindsay Osco 113 303 2.688 Shannon Boyle 123 306 2.495 Kristin Chaney 105 178 1.703 Celeste Laborde 101 168 1.6611 Emily Perilli 59 69 1.1713 Meghan O'Leary 8 4 0.504 Lisa Krolikowski 11 2 0.1815 Emily Kirkwood 123 20 0.162 Kathleen Branagh 94 14 0.156 Whitney Ashcraft 123 16 0.13 VIRGINIA............ 123 1894 15.40 Opponents........... 123 1784 14.50## SERVE (by SA) G SA SE SA/G--------------------------------------------16 Lindsay Osco 113 34 49 0.3015 Emily Kirkwood 123 32 32 0.267 Paige Davis 123 29 37 0.248 Shannon Boyle 123 27 29 0.2218 Alexis Geocaris 123 23 47 0.195 Kristin Chaney 105 17 26 0.162 Kathleen Branagh 94 11 8 0.1211 Emily Perilli 59 7 20 0.123 Celeste Laborde 101 6 9 0.066 Whitney Ashcraft 123 1 0 0.0110 Annie Hylton 20 1 3 0.054 Lisa Krolikowski 11 0 2 0.0013 Meghan O'Leary 8 0 1 0.00 VIRGINIA............ 123 188 263 1.53 Opponents........... 123 140 256 1.14## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE--------------------------------------------6 Whitney Ashcraft 123 627 5.10 316 Lindsay Osco 113 376 3.33 05 Kristin Chaney 105 279 2.66 211 Emily Perilli 59 135 2.29 115 Emily Kirkwood 123 248 2.02 177 Paige Davis 123 185 1.50 22 Kathleen Branagh 94 110 1.17 98 Shannon Boyle 123 89 0.72 010 Annie Hylton 20 12 0.60 018 Alexis Geocaris 123 69 0.56 54 Lisa Krolikowski 11 4 0.36 03 Celeste Laborde 101 21 0.21 013 Meghan O'Leary 8 1 0.12 0 VIRGINIA............ 123 2156 17.53 39 Opponents........... 123 2170 17.64 62## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm---------------------------------------5 Kristin Chaney 105 43 0.4116 Lindsay Osco 113 37 0.3311 Emily Perilli 59 16 0.27TM TEAM 123 18 0.156 Whitney Ashcraft 123 17 0.1410 Annie Hylton 20 2 0.102 Kathleen Branagh 94 2 0.027 Paige Davis 123 2 0.023 Celeste Laborde 101 1 0.018 Shannon Boyle 123 1 0.0118 Alexis Geocaris 123 1 0.0115 Emily Kirkwood 123 0 0.00 VIRGINIA............ 123 140 1.14 Opponents........... 123 188 1.53