4theHoos Tickets
Each year, Virginia Athletics supports more than 750 student-athletes competing in 27 varsity sports. Our primary revenue streams have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The athletics department is dependent on ticket sales as a primary source of revenue to fund our annual operations.
Purchase 4theHoos Tickets
These operations include:
- Academic Advising
- Student-Athlete Leadership, Career and Personal Development Programming
- Sports Medicine
- Nutrition
- Strength and Conditioning
- Team Travel
- Recruiting
- Equipment
- Facility Maintenance, including Stadiums and Arenas, Playing Fields, Locker Rooms and Offices
- Coaching and Support Staff Positions

4TheHoos Tickets
We need the help of all Virginia fans to purchase tickets to support our student-athletes in order to meet our operational budget. To provide funding for operational support, we are selling “4TheHoos Tickets” for $25 each.
- Similar to all ticket purchases, 4TheHoos ticket revenue is collected by the athletics department and is not part of the Virginia Athletics Foundation Annual Fund.
- 4TheHoos tickets are virtual tickets and do not provide admission to an event. 100% of the revenue collected will provide operational support to the Virginia Athletics department.

Football Tickets
A 4TheHoos ticket may also be purchased to provide operational support for the football program during the 2020-21 academic year.

Men’s Basketball Tickets
A 4TheHoos ticket may be purchased to provide operational support for the men’s basketball program during the 2020-21 academic year.
For season ticket holders who have opted-out or are considering opting-out of season tickets for the 2020-21 season, we kindly ask you to consider donating your season ticket purchase to the men’s basketball operational budget via the VAF Sport Enhancement Fund.

A 4TheHoos ticket may be purchased to provide operational support for the women’s basketball program during the 2020-21 academic year.
For season ticket holders who have opted-out or are considering opting-out of season tickets for the 2020-21 season, we kindly ask you to consider donating your season ticket purchase to the women’s basketball operational budget via the VAF Sport Enhancement Fund.
Fans may choose to purchase a 4TheHoos Ticket to support the athletics department’s operational budget.
4TheHoos Supporters
Thank you to those who have purchased 4TheHoos Tickets to support operations and programming that help our student-athletes reach their potential at the University of Virginia.
- Stephen C. Adams, Michael Agnew, Steve Alderfer, Christopher H. Alexander, Leslie E. Alpert, Chris Anderson, Mark M. Anderson, Mark W. Anderson, Matt Anderson, Randy Andrews, Susan Anhold, Peter D. Archey, Freddie Arrington, Atlantic Union Bank, Michael Atwood, Ann Austin, Joseph Axelrod, Virginia S. Aylor
- Joel Evan Backer, Ann Backof, Lori Bagli, Judith Balwanz, Cecil Edward Banks, Christopher Baradel, Sally Barber, Josh Barger, Beth Barringer, Susan Barringer, Susan Battani, G. Stuart Baumgardner, Jed S. Beardsley, Peter Belden, Steven Benton, Erin L. Berry, Carol Beurmann, Michael Beutell, Stephanie Bickers, Mark H. Bird, Charles Birdsong, Zachary Edward Alan Blais, Vella Marika Bloom, Cheryl Bloor, Kelly Blosser, Eugene Bogen, Kelly Bonds, Charles Botwick, Nicholas Brandt, Carol Bratton, Roger A. Briney, Christopher Brogan, Deon Brown, Thomas E. Brown, Lloyd Banks Bryant, Lucille Buckles, Danielle Jones Burks, Jon Burks, Sandra Burks, Caycee Buscaglia, Ashley Butler, Lisa Ellwood Byerly
- Robert W. Cabaniss, Jeffery Calamos, William D. Call, Roger L. Calvert, Thomas Cantone, Laura M. Carini, R. M. Carlisle, Stephen Carroll, Randy S. Carter, Salvador Casente, Kathie M. Catron, C. Roxanne Chandler, Julia Chandler, Judy Cheadle, Nicole Cheyney, Linda M. Clark, Michael Clark, Don Cline, Terri Clinger, Richard Codos, Jeff Coffey, Jerry Coffman, Paul D. Collins, Charles Conyers, Ricky L. Compton, John Cook, Robert D. Cook, Kirstin Cooney, Charles R. Cory, Gale Courtney, George Craddock, Jon Craig, Nicole Crandall, Mark T. Creighton, James E. Crinkley, Hannah Crosby, Caroline Cross, Nargiss Cross, Elisabeth Cundiff, Bill Curry, Clifford A. Cutchins,
- Dixie Dalton, Paula Darradji, Nicole Davenport, Howard F. Davis, Ronald L. Davis, Ralph L. Deacon, John DeGuenther, Russell Delaney, James Demotses, Joseph E. Dennie, Elizabeth M. Dickenson, Chris DiMartino, Jeremy Dodd, Jeff Dodson, Allison Douglass, Michael Douvas, Kimberly Dowdell, Kevin Dowlen, Greg Driscoll, Isabel Dudley, Lee Dudley, Amy Duff, Kathy Dupont, Charles Duross, Matthew Dyckman
- Jessica Ebel, Jesse T. Ellington, Clyde Ellis, John B. Ellis, Ken H. Elkins, Robert Englander, Jon Erickson
- John Fannin, Kenneth John Fassel, Howard Feller, Thomas Floyd, Francine Fordham, Cindy Foulke, Kristen Fournier, Robyn Frampton, David Francis, James Frandsen, Melanie K. Frank, Laurence Fredrick
- Sharon Gallen, Patricia Gangwer, Terry A. Gates, Alvaro Garcia-Tunon, Francine Garrett-Bakelman, Joseph S. Gilbert, Marc Gilgannon, James Gillespie, Georgia Gilmer, Jason Gizzi, James Glass, Jay Glick, Thomas Godfrey, Todd Goodale, Howard Goodkin, Josh Gottesmann, Kristiane C. Graham, Paul G. Graves, Allison Graviss, Michael Gray, J. Steven Grist, Philip Grone, Pamela Gross, Danny R. Guengerich, Jacqueline Gunn
- Timothy Hahn, Cheryl Hairston, Nancy Haisenleder, Barbara Adams Hall, Kalpana Hall, Kristine Hall, Jeremiah T. Hamm, Beverly Hankins, Mark Hanson, Mary Pat Hanson, Patrick Harding, Robert Hargett, Roy Harrill, Jason Harris, Melissa M. Hatch, Lee P. Hatcher, William L. Hazel, Gary Henley, David M. Henry, John Hickey, Sally R. Hicks, William E. Higgins, John Hodge, Matthew Scott Hogenmiller, C. Michael Holloway, Sherry Ann Holtzclaw, Thomas B. Horton, George M. Hudgins, Candace K. Hudspeth, Patricia Taylor Hunt, William A. Hunter, Kelly A. Hurley, Randy Huwa
- Andy Irvine
- Hugh Jacobs, Katherine Jacobs, Gregory Jaeger, Gretchen Japhet, Kathryn Jarvis, Steven A. Jefferson, Celia Elizabeth Jeffords, Melissa Jenkins, Robert Jenvey, Philip R. Jewell, Deborah Johnson, Mark A. Johnson, Pegram Johnson, Bonnie Jones, Robbie Joyce, Andrew Joyner, Stanley K. Joynes
- Bob Kain, Catherine Kane, Marta Keane, Daniel Keenan, Phill Keiper, James R. Kibler, Philip W. Klaus, Brenda M. Koonce, William M. Kostak, Christopher Kramer, Frederick and Doris Kuttesch, Eric Kuykendall
- Larry R. Lambert, Jules J. Lambiotte, Pradeep Lampa, Matt Laughlin, Erik D. Laurila, Michael Lew, Ronald A. Lear, Ed Lewandowski, Richard A. Lewandowski, Steven W. Light, Linda A. Lively, Cartie Lominack, Roger Long, Charles S. Lynch, Donald F. Luttrell, Deborah Luzynski-Weber
- Robert MacCallum, Mac Marshall, Jason David Martin, J. Michael Martinez de Andino, Tucker Martin, Arnie Mason,Carol Lynn Mayo, Bob McAuley, Elisabeth G. McAvoy, James McCarty, Partrick McCarty, Brendan McCormick, David McDade, Sandra K. McGlothlin, Bryan McGrath, Peter McHugh, Michael McIntyre, Ryan McKenzie, Abbie McKinney, Jodi McLane, Kathryn Mcnannay, Casey McReynolds, Donnie Meeks, Christine Melnik, Timothy R. Melson, Mark Merolla, Elizabeth A. Meyer, Linda Mikell, Chuck Miller, Craig Miller, Scott C. Miller, Richard A. Mills, Andrew D. Moltz, Allison Moore Moalli, Thomas R. Moncure, Richard Moniuszko, Eric Moore, Kelly Allgood Moran, Eddie Moyers, Robert Mozeleski, Jonathan M. Murdoch-Kitt, Mike Murphy, Timothy W. Murphy
- Charles Napier, Diane Naughton, Leonard F. Newman, Liem Nguyen, Thong Nguyen, Casey L. Nolan, Walker J. Noland, John North, Jeff Nouhan
- Ian Oakes, Richard Oliver, Steven Opler, Theodore B. Oshrine, Alyson O’Sullivan, Christine M. Ozyjowski
- Louis A. Pace, Harry L. Parlette, William W. Peery, Suzi Pendleton, Stowe Perry, Marvin M. Phaup, Piedmont Plaster and Drywall, Kelly Pierce, Stacie Pisano, Brian Pitkin, Renee Poche, Jayne Poehler, Judy Powell, Michael W. Powell, Robert Powell, Graham H. Powers, Susan Prather, Kevin J. Prey, Rob Pritchard, Susan A. Purcell
- Kyle Quearry
- James A. Ralston, Susan Y. Rawls, Dana Redick, Ann Reed, Christopher Reed, David W. Reilly, Michael J. Rendino, Linda Renfroe, R. Allen Reynolds, David W. Ripley, Karen Rixey, John Allen Roberts, Rosa Roberts, Marlene Robinson, Bert Roby, Javier Rodriguez, Carolyn W. Rogers, Pedro Rojas, Mark Romness, Jonathan Rose, M. Pierce Rucker, Heather Rupe, Mac Russell, Robin Russo
- Richard Samaha, Amber Reed Sappington, Paul H. Sartori, Suzanne Schaeffer, Bruce D. Schirmer, Paul Schmidt, John Schneider, David K. Schumacher, Richard Scott, Frederick Schutt, Justin S. Scott, Lester E. Scott, Anna Seal, Everette M. Seay, John S. Serpe, Blythe Shannon, Joel D. Shapiro, Douglas N. Sheets, Julia L. Shields, Robin Emery Shifflett, Valeria R. Shifflett, Stuart Siegel, Angel Sims, Patrick Slebonick, Jillian Smith, Sarah Smith, Thomas P. Smith, Timothy A. Smith, Douglas C. Smythers, James P. Soderquist, Angela Spedden, Randy Speight, Sean Stalfort, J.C. Stiles, Matt Strader, Howard Stronach, Steve Styers, Lucy Sullivan, Margaret Swensen, Larry Switzer, William J. Sydnor
- Rebecca Tate, Jay Taylor, Matthew M. Terry, Karl Thomason, Larry L. Thursby, Becky Timothy, Mark D. Tinsman, Alden Wells Toiv, Michael H. Tolliver, Sheila Tolliver, Deborah Tomlin, John Toole, David Trent, Samuel Trevey, Earle Trone, Pamela Troy, Andrew Tylander, Robert Tyler, Russell Tyree Jr., David Tyson
- Reginald Thomas Upson
- David Vaughan, Renee Viette, Matthew D. Voit
- Don Ward, Marty Ward, Eric Waxman, Richard A. Wayland, James Weaver, Robert B. Webb, Michael Wade Weis, Brian Weisler, Ted Wentzel, Ashley West, Cynthia R. Westmoreland, Gary Westmoreland, Andrea White, Tim White, Cathy Whitesell, Brittney Whiteside, Sharan Warren Wilder, Landon Skylar Wilkins, Luke Wilkins, Colin Wilkinson, Diana Williams, Sanford Williams, Tonya Williams, James J. Wilson, Mike Witt, Jeremy Wood, Paul H. Wood, Ralph P. Wood, Lewis Wright
- Richard D. Yhip, Kathryn Young