Story Links

Year    Name                P   Team                    Round (Overall)1940    Jim Gillette        B   Green Bay Packers       161942    Bill Dudley         B   Pittsburgh Steelers     1*1945    John Duda           B   Philadelphia Eagles     121946    Joe Kirkland        T   Boston Yanks            13        Charlie Ellis       B   New York Giants         281947    Tom Dudley          E   Washington Redskins     211948    Bruce Bailey        B   Los Angeles Rams        3        George Grimes       B   Los Angeles Rams        4        Ray Brown           B   Chicago Bears           16        Lockwood Frizzell   C   Philadelphia Eagles     20        Joe McCary          B   Boston Yanks            26        George Neff         B   Boston Yanks            301949    Joe Leonard         T   Los Angeles Rams        191950    Carlton Elliott     E   Green Bay Packers       13        Ralph Shoaf         B   Washington Redskins     281951    Gene Schroeder      E   Chicago Bears           1        John Papit          B   Washington Redskins     7        Dick Johnson        T   Green Bay Packers       201952    Bob Miller          T   Detroit Lions           5        Jimmy Lesane        B   Chicago Bears           20        Joe Palumbo         G   San Francisco           281953    Tom Scott           E   Los Angeles Rams        5        Bob Tata            B   Detroit Lions           211954    Joe Mehalick        T   Philadelphia Eagles     131956    John Polzer         LB  Baltimore Colts         15        Herb Hartwell       B   Baltimore Colts         271957    Henry Jordan        T   Cleveland Browns        5        Bob Gunderman       E   Detroit Lions           191958    John Diehl          T   Baltimore Colts         6        Harold Outten       T   Detroit Lions           7        Fred Polzer         T   Washington Redskins     16        Sonny Randle        B   Chicago Cardinals       191960    Dave Graham         E   Philadelphia Eagles     131962    Ron Gassert         T   Green Bay Packers       41963    Turnley Todd        LB  Green Bay Packers       71964    Terry Sieg          HB  Cleveland Browns        141965    Bob Kowalkowski     G   Detroit Lions           71966    Don Parker          G   San Francisco 49'ers    4        John Pincavage      HB  Detroit Lions           81967    Bob Davis           QB  Houston Oilers          2 (30)        Ed Carrington       FL  Houston Oilers          7 (164)        Jim Copeland        G   Cleveland Browns        10 (255)        Carroll Jarvis      HB  San Diego Chargers      11 (277)        George Stetter      DB  New Orleans Saints      14 (367)1968    John Naponick       T   Oakland Raiders         5 (136)1969    Frank Quayle        RB  Denver Broncos          5 (113)        Jeff Anderson       RB  Washington Redskins     7 (166)        Greg Shelly         G   Cleveland Browns        10 (254)        Rick Brand          DT  Washington Redskins     14 (347)        Paul Rogers         T   Washington Redskins     15 (374)1971    Dan Ryczek          C   Washington Redskins     13 (322)1972    Andy Selfridge      LB  San Diego Chargers      13 (321)1973    Dave Sullivan       WR  Cleveland Browns        15 (384)1974    Harrison Davis      WR  San Diego Chargers      4 (81)        Paul Ryczek         C   Atlanta Falcons         10 (252)        Kent Merritt        WR  New Orleans Saints      11 (270)1975    Dick Ambrose        LB  Cleveland Browns        12 (290)        Ken Shelton         TE  Denver Broncos          15 (381)1976    Tom Glassic         G   Denver Broncos          1 (15)        Scott Gardner       QB  Buffalo Bills           8 (215)1978    John Choma          G   San Diego Chargers      5 (135)1979    Russ Henderson      P   Baltimore Colts         9 (224)1980    Tony Blount         DB  New York Giants         5 (118)        Grant Hudson        DT  St. Louis Cardinals     8 (211)1981    Tom Vigorito        RB  Miami Dolphins          5 (138)1982    Stuart Anderson     LB  Kansas City Chiefs      4 (104)        Greg Taylor         KR  New England Patriots    12 (308)1984    Quentin Walker      RB  St. Louis Cardinals     7 (185)        Billy Griggs        TE  New York Jets           8 (203)1985    Lester Lyles        DB  New York Jets           2 (40)        Bob Olderman        OG  Kansas City Chiefs      4 (99)        Ron Mattes          DT  Seattle Seahawks        7 (193)1986    Jim Dombrowski      OT  New Orleans Saints      1 (6)        Barry Word          RB  New Orleans Saints      3 (62)        Jim Huddleston      OG  Washington Redskins     6 (156)1987    Don Majkowski       QB  Green Bay Packers       10 (255)1988    Scott Secules       QB  Dallas Cowboys          6 (151)1989    Jeff Lageman        LB  New York Jets           1 (14)        John Ford           WR  Detroit Lions           2 (30)1990    Marcus Wilson       RB  Los Angeles Raiders     6 (149)        Ray Savage          DE  Los Angeles Rams        8 (198)        Tim O'Connor        OT  Cincinnati Bengals      11 (288)1991    Herman Moore        WR  Detroit Lions           1 (10)        Tony Covington      DB  Tampa Bay Buccaneers    4 (93)        Bruce McGonnigal    TE  Pittsburgh Steelers     9 (239)        Shawn Moore         QB  Denver Broncos          11 (284)1992    Ray Roberts         OT  Seattle Seahawks        1 (10)        Matt Blundin        QB  Kansas City Chiefs      2 (40)        Nikki Fisher        RB  Chicago Bears           10 (273)1993    Chris Slade         DE  New England Patriots    2 (31)        Terry Kirby         RB  Miami Dolphins          3 (78)        David Ware          OT  New York Jets           4 (88)        Greg Jeffries       DB  Detroit Lions           6 (147)1994    Keith Lyle          DB  Los Angeles Rams        3 (71)        Jim Reid            OT  Houston Oilers          5 (161)1995    Mike Frederick      DE  Cleveland Browns        3 (94)        Tyrone Davis        WR  New York Jets           4 (107)        Charles Way         RB  New York Giants         6 (206)1996    Patrick Jeffers     WR  Denver Broncos          5 (159)1997    James Farrior       LB  New York Jets           1 (8)        Jon Harris          DE  Philadelphia Eagles     1 (25)        Jamie Sharper       LB  Baltimore Ravens        2 (34)        Tiki Barber         RB  New York Giants         2 (36)        Ronde Barber        DB  Tampa Bay Buccaneers    3 (66)        Duane Ashman        DE  Detroit Lions           5 (161)1998    Germane Crowell     WR  Detroit Lions           2 (50)        Doug Karczewski     OT  New York Jets           5 (141)1999    Patrick Kerney      DE  Atlanta Falcons         1 (30)        Wali Rainer         LB  Cleveland Browns        4 (124)        Aaron Brooks        QB  Green Bay Packers       4 (131)        Antonio Dingle      DT  Pittsburgh Steelers     7 (214)        Anthony Poindexter  DB  Baltimore Ravens        7 (216)        Robert Hunt         OT  Tampa Bay Buccaneers    7 (226)2000    Thomas Jones        RB  Arizona Cardinals       1 (7)        John St. Clair       C  St. Louis Rams          3 (94)        Shannon Taylor      LB  San Diego Chargers      6 (184)        Antwan Harris       DB  New England Patriots    6 (187)2001    Billy Baber         TE  Kansas City Chiefs      5 (141)

*First player selected in the draft.Note: Records on the order of each round (except the first overall pick of the draft) are not available before 1967.

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