Read the Wednesday Edition of the Shout & Roar
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Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Former @UVABaseball standout and World Series champion Ryan Zimmerman and his wife, Heather, have launched the #ProsForHeroes COVID-19 Relief Fund as a part of their efforts to give back to the frontline health professionals fighting the novel coronavirus. They seeded the program with a $100,000 donation and then got some other big names to donate to the program which looks to provide medical workers with the supplies, protective equipment and meals they need to keep serving the community. Last night, several members of the World Series champion squad got together for a reunion Zoom call (and accessible to the public through the Nats Facebook account) and game watch party which raised $200,000 for the charity. Former Cavalier Sean Doolittle was also part of the Zoom. If you wish to help the cause, here is the link to its GoFundMe.
As we reported in the blog several times in the last few weeks, former @UVAFootball standout and Charlottesville resident Chris Long, and his wife Megan (a former @UVAWomensLax player), have turned his attention to helping out said hometown during the pandemic. Grub4Good, a program which started Sunday and will run for at least four weeks, sources meals from locally owned restaurants and distributes them to community members who have food shortages due to the coronavirus pandemic. This UVA Today article tells more of the story of the cause. And here’s the quick link to the donation page.
wow this is very cool! just makes me miss game days with @UtahRoyalsFC even more! cant wait to get back out there soon💪👑
— Brittany Ratcliffe (@brit_ratcliffe) April 14, 2020
Many, many, many (okay, almost every single one, including us) sports teams have taken to doing bracket challenges to let fans decide their favorite plays and moments from back when sports were still being played. The Utah Royals Football Club did so, but it is blog-worthy here as it was a former @UVAWomensSoccer player that was crowned their bracket queen. So congrats to Brittany Ratcliffe.