Read the Thursday Edition of the Shout & Roar
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Thursday, April 16, 2020
Look Hoos Talking
On Tuesday afternoon, Director of Athletics Carla Williams was the guest speaker (via Zoom) in COMM 4681, one of four capstone courses available for completion of the pan-University minor in entrepreneurship that McIntire hosts in partnership with the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the School of Engineering. Click on this link to read the UVA Today article about what Willliams said to the students in the McIntire School of Commerce course.
Former @UVABaseball player Mike Cubbage, set to be inducted into the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame, talks to David Driver of the Daily News-Record about his role as a special assistant to the GM of the 2019 World Champion Washington Nationals.
We continue our Mt. Rushmore series with a look at the prolific Field Hockey program. They’ve had roughly a bazillion All-Americans.
— Streaking the Lawn (@STL_UVA) April 15, 2020
More accurately, this is “Hoos With Their Faces Etched Into The Side Of A Mountain”, but that is a bit cumbersome as a headline. Streaking the Lawn has been declaring their “Mount Rushmores” of various sports, going through the arduous task of determining the four best players in program history. They started with men’s soccer and have moved on to field hockey. We do not envy them trying to break those down, but give it a look and let them know how strongly you oppose (or support) their choices.