WATCH: Former @UVAMensTennis stars Thai-Son Kwiatkowski and Treat Huey were on the opposite side of the net on Thursday night, as the former ‘Hoos were both competing in the doubles bracket of the Men’s Pro Challenger event at the Boar’s Head Sports Club.
— NBC29 (@NBC29) November 5, 2021
Read the Friday Edition of the Shout and Roar Blog
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Friday, Nov. 5, 2021
The Charlottesville Pro Challenger has been taking place all week at the Boar’s Head Sports Club. The field of the tournament is littered with Cavaliers past and present. The brackets have also featured quite a few Hoo vs. Hoo match-ups, such as last night’s showdown between @UVAMensTennis alums Thai-Son Kwiatkowski and Treat Huey. Kwiatkowski had faced current Cavaliers Alexander Kiefer and Chris Rodesch in the first round. Huey took on former Cavalier JC Aragone in his opener. Check out some of the action in this NBC29 report. The tournament runs through Sunday on the indoor courts at the Boar’s Head Sports Club.