We see you there Zoe Morse! Proud of all you do for those around you as both a teammate and a citizen of the world.#GoHoos 🔶⚔️🔷 | #ALLIN⚽️🔥 https://t.co/Erjj5lOsLU
— Virginia Women's Soccer (@UVAWomenSoccer) November 16, 2021
Read the Wednesday Edition of the Shout and Roar Blog
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Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021
Hoos Care
Former @UVAWomensSoccer star and current Chicago Red Star Zoe Morse was named the team’s Humanitarian of the Year. She is part of Chris Long’s Waterboys project and multiple other environmental and ecological projects. This UVA Today article from back in October details just some of her efforts.