Vivian Burcescu

Played in 14 matches
Recorded 12 kills
Tallied a season-high four kills against Montana on Aug. 31
Recognized on the ACC Academic Honor Roll
Played in 31 matches, including 18 starts
Tallied 191 kills and 44 blocks
Reached double-digit kills three times
Notched a season-high 16 kills in the home finale against Boston College on Nov. 10
Recorded a season-high seven blocks in a four-set win over Wake Forest on Oct. 20
An Under Armour All-American
Earned US Army Reserve National Scholar-Athlete Award
Honored as Garden Empire Volleyball Assocation[apos]s MVP
Named conference Player of the Year
Was Walter Panas[apos] team MVP
Honored as All-Section and All-League three times
Listed on Honor Roll all four years at Walter Panas
Daughter of Cora and Silviu Burcescu
Has two sisters, Brigitte and Yvette
Lists hobbies as hiking, traveling and reading