Britni Strates

PRs: TJ- 12.46m (40[apos]10.5′); HJ- 5[apos]8[apos][apos]; LJ- 17[apos]1.25[apos][apos]
Did not compete
Had a season-best mark of 39[apos] 1.25′ in the triple jump at the Virginia Tech Elite Meet
Set a PR in the triple jump of 12.46m (40[apos] 10.5′) at the Virginia Challenge
That mark ranks as the third-best freshman distance and eighth-best mark in Virginia history
Placed 12th in triple jump at ACCs
Won the triple jump at the Liberty Quad
Set a season-best mark in the triple jump of 12.32m at the VT Final Qualifier
High School:
2011 Florida State Champion in Triple Jump
2010 AAU All-American in Triple Jump
3-time Florida State Runner-Up (TJ [apos]10, HJ [apos]10, [apos]11)
Ranked as #3 High Jumper in Florida and top Triple Jumper this year
Ranked among top 35 triple jumpers in country this year
Member of Orlando Sentinel All-Area Track and Field Team (2011, 2010)
Daughter of Cindy and Jim Strates
Has two brothers, Jimmy, 22, and Nick, 21
Coached by Andy Vince at Edgewater
More about Britni:
Favorite flavor ice cream: vanilla bean
Favorite subject: math
Favorite magazine: SELF Magazine