Expansion Project Update
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South end zone, level one view of Bryant Hall slab. CLICK FOR LARGER VERSION |
The major construction effort continued in the South Endzone during thepast month. The below grade utility work is now 80% complete, the retainingwalls 80% complete, and the cast-in-place concrete is 10% complete. Amilestone was reached as the first section of the elevated structure ofBryant Hall Level 2 was placed this week. Photos depicting the form workfor this construction and an aerial view of the site are included asattachments to this UPDATE. The caisson installations continued onschedule with 110 out of 130 caissons in place for the stadium. Theremaining 20 caissons are being placed in the North wings. During thismonth work also continued on the utility installations in the East and Westparking lots, the mobilization and preliminary work in the President’s andPress Box commenced, and the glass and metal panel work on the scoreboardstructure continued.
South end zone, level two view of Bryant Hall. CLICK FOR LARGER VERSION |
During the month of April the contractor will be mobilizing for the utilityandearthwork for the new North Plaza. This will include the retaining walls,fencing, entrances and support structures for the Pergola installation nextyear. The installation of the additional caissons for the field lighting (2per lighting structure) and Parking Garage (49 more located in the Southparking lot), will commence in late April.
Bids for all of the major components of the project have been completed withthe exception of the parking garage. 100% Plans and specifications werereceived this past week on the garage and all of the costs for the garagearea will be known by the middle of May. The total project costs remainwithin 1% of the budget.
Bryant Hall Level 2
Planning for the use of Bryant Hall Level 2 continued this past month.Ticketing, Sports Marketing, VSAF, Alumni Locker room, Recruiting, AcademicAdvising and Career Planning and Placement are all potential tenants toutilize this space. The project scope for the use of this 30,000 sq. ft.area is being refined and the programming process is on track for a 15April completion. The design process will then commence for this $4 millioncomponent.