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CHARLOTTESVILLEVirginia men’s head basketball coach Dave Leitao announced on Friday (Aug. 15) that Will Harris, a two-year letterman in the UVa men’s basketball program, is planning to transfer.

Harris, a 6-6 forward/guard from Corona, N.Y., played in only 15 games for the Cavaliers as a sophomore during the 2007-08 season because of injury. He averaged 2.7 points and 2.5 rebounds a game.

“Will has been a wonderful representative of the University of Virginia and our basketball program the last two years,” Leitao said. “We wish him nothing but the best in the future.”

Harris played in 32 games and started three as a freshman in 2006-07 when he averaged 3.6 points and 3.2 rebounds a game.

He played in 47 games during his two years in the Virginia program and started three. He averaged 3.3 points and 3.0 rebounds a game.

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