The Wahoo Central Chat Room with Kyle King
Virginia men’s cross country runner Kyle King will chat live Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 1:30 p.m.
The No. 13 Cavaliers will host the ACC Championships Friday at 10 a.m. at Panorama Farms. The meet will be broadcast live on ESPN3.
Submit your questions now. Questions will not appear until the chat starts. Remember the players cannot answer questions regarding the recruitment of prospective student-athletes.
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Wahoo Central Moderator: We are set to begin our chat with Kyle King. Keep sending in your questions! |
Tim (Charlottesville): Which season of cross country/track and field do you enjoy the most? |
Kyle King: I enjoy outdoor track the most probably because of the outdoor, spring atmosphere, different events, and team travel. I also really enjoy the steeplechase. |
Kara (Richmond): What is your favorite part about being a student-athlete at Virginia? |
Kyle King: The university offers a ton of resources to make school and athletic life enjoyable. Also, the coaches and professors are great. You can’t beat the location either. |
John: Do you get a little extra amped for ACC Championships than a normal meet? How do you harness that extra energy to make sure you don’t burn out too quick? |
Kyle King: I do get a bit more energy for the ACC Championships. I think the whole meet has a different, more competitive sense to it and everyone wants to compete the best they can for their team and their school. To harness the extra energy I remind myself to stay relaxed and remember I’m out there to have fun as well as compete, but when the gun goes off it’s all business. |
Kyle (Richmond): Why did you decide to pursue running at the collegiate level? |
Kyle King: A big influence in my decision to run in college was my high school coach. He ran at UVA and it really got me interested. I also am passionate about the sport and wanted to better my chances to compete for as long as I can. |
Brian (Richmond): Do you like to listen to music while you run? What kind? |
Kyle King: No, I don’t listen to music when I run. I can’t listen to it when I race so I figure I shouldn’t when I train. If I did though, it would probably be a pretty wide variety of artists honestly. |
Katherine (Charlottesville): What are some of your thoughts on the upcoming ACC Championship race this Friday? |
Kyle King: Im expecting the race to be a fight the whole time, especially with Syracuse. At the same time I’m very excited because I have never raced with a team as talented and in shape as the one we will be putting on the line this Friday. Overall, it’s going to come down to who is tougher. Hosting the race at Panorama is a big advantage as well, knowing the course like the back of my hand. |
Jerry (Ann Arbor): Does the fact your coach is Canadian add a different perspective to the team? |
Kyle King: We like to give Coach Watson a hard time about being Canadian sometimes, especially when he says “about” and “eh.” He also doesn’t mind having practice early in the morning when it’s freezing cold because i guess thats the “Canadian way”… |
Charlottesville: What is it like to move up from racing an 8K most of the season to a 10K for the final races? It is mentally tough to do that? Which distance do you prefer personally? |
Kyle King: The jump from 8k to 10k is a big, but we prepare to race the 10k all year. Our training program is based off of 10k racing because those are the races that really matter at the end of the year. Since we train for the 10k more throughout the year I think it gives me a mental advantage. |
Katie (charlottesville): What makes this team different from UVA teams in the past? |
Kyle King: I think this is the first team that has completely bought into the training program. We are all very positive and dedicated to doing things in a specific way. The focus of both the younger and older guys has never been this good. I also think we’re having a lot more fun with it this season. |
Amy (Richmond): Who is your funniest teammate? |
Kyle King: That’s a tough one. Connor Rog has kept me laughing since the day he joined the team, but Mike Marsella and Andrew Goldman make for some pretty good entertainment as well. Henry Wynne likes to think he’s funny at times as well… |
Carl (Lynchburg): What do you recommend eating before and after a race? |
Kyle King: I tend to not eat that much on race day, especially when the race is in the morning. I like to have some toast and oatmeal, nothing special. Coffee is a must as well. |
Dave Smith (Stillwater, OK): How much coffee does Coach Watson drink in one day? |
Kyle King: Enough to kill a normal person. Sometimes he comes to practice shaking and a bit sweaty. |
Charlottesville: There are quite a few freshmen on the XC/distance roster this year. What is it like being the more experienced leader of all the younger guys? How do you use your experience on the team to help them? |
Kyle King: Being an older member of the team gives me a chance to lead the younger guys and help them adjust to the training program and college life as a whole. The younger guys are all super talented and it’s exciting to see them start to tap into their potential. I mostly try to make sure they have the big picture in mind, not just the first couple seasons of their first year. Having been through the process of the cross country season helps me to give them some advice and encouragement along the way. |
Wahoo Central Moderator: Thanks for all the questions. That is all the time we have as Kyle has to head to practice now. Make sure you come out to Panorama Farms on Friday morning for the ACC Championships. Admission is free!!! |