UVA vs. UNC, February 24, 2022, Charlottesville, Va. (John Paul Jones Arena)
Virginia Head Coach Tina Thompson
Opening statement:
“This league is very difficult to play from behind. Period. But when you spot a team 18, 19 points in the first quarter, especially a top 25 team in the country, it’s even tougher. We regained our composure and played very well for three quarters but unfortunately we ran out of time, this game is a four quarter game. When you start like that, it’s just really difficult to overcome that.”
On the team’s struggles in single quarters this season:
“I would say lack of focus. When you don’t show up ready to play in this league it’s tough. You have to literally as soon as the budget buzzer sounds, you have to be ready to play. Tonight we did not do that. And it’s similar in the third quarter, coming out at halftime, lacking focus is what usually gets us in trouble and just not being disciplined.”
On the growth of the program under her tenure:
“We’ve grown especially by numbers. When I got here we had a total of five players. So we have definitely grown but we’ve also seen some obstacles throughout the process. I can definitely say it’s not an easy position to be in when you’re rebuilding or renovating a program when you’re experiencing the things that we have, whether it be injuries or COVID. But we’re working and we’ll continue to do that as long as we have an opportunity to do so.”
Guard Amadine Toi
On playing her last game at JPJ:
“It was kind of sad for me. I’ve always been here and I’ve seen so many senior nights, I think mine was kind of nostalgic. I try to not get emotional, I try to stay focused on the game, but it was a special game for me because I knew it was my last time in JPJ after that many years.”