Amanda Bishop
Director of Learning Services
Learning Services
Learning Specialists
Learning Specialists work directly with a caseload of student-athletes to enhance academic strategy development and support student success. They also oversee the Cavalier Academic Support Team (CAST), tasked with implementing quality tutoring and academic mentoring support services for all of UVA’s student-athletes. Collectively, Learning Specialists hire, train, schedule, and supervise all CAST personnel and programming. In collaboration with Academic Coordinators, they provide comprehensive academic support and encourage the growth of students as learners by teaching skills to effectively engage with academic material and resources at the University.
Kyle Early
Learning Specialist
The Cavalier Academic Support Team (CAST) supports the academic engagement and achievement of student-athletes through mentoring, content tutoring, and class-checking programs.
Academic Mentors meet with student-athletes to enhance basic study skills techniques such as organization, reading strategies, time management, note-taking, and working with faculty. Areas of support include strategic approaches to academic reading, exam preparation, writing for academia, and engagement in class discussion. Mentors help students develop weekly comprehensive academic task lists and align skill-building with current coursework. Both UVA graduate students and part-time staff can serve as Academic Mentors.
Content Tutors
Content Tutors assist student-athletes with course specific knowledge and skill acquisition including test/quiz preparation, decoding of lecture content, and managing reading loads. Tutors meet regularly in small groups or one-on-one with student-athletes. Content Tutors are expected to have a strong understanding of the course content and relevant study strategies. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and part-time staff can serve as Content Tutors.
Class Checkers
Class Checkers are responsible for recording and reporting the class attendance of student-athletes in order to encourage student-athletes’ attendance and engagement in class. Class Checkers receive a schedule of classes to check, have student-athletes sign in upon their arrival to class, and report the attendance. Excellent Class Checkers are integrous, punctual, reliable, professional, and organized. Candidates are required to have a minimum of a high school diploma.
We would love to have you join the team!
Search and apply for open positions at UVA Jobs or through the student Handshake dashboard. Contact the Learning Services team with questions at