Cavaliers Continue Their Winning Ways at Maryland
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February 6, 1999
COLLEGE PARK, Md. – After winning the Atlantic Coast Championshiplast year, the 1998-99 University of Virginia women’s swimming and divingteam had a tough act to follow. They’ve done just that, wrapping up anundefeated regular season here today with a dominating 154-86 victory overACC rival Maryland. Not to be outdone, the men’s team posted a solid135.5-100.5 win over the Terrapins.
UVa’s women are now 8-0 overall and 6-0 in conference action. Themen’s team improves to 6-3 and 4-2 after collecting its third consecutivevictory.
The women’s meet was never close as the Cavaliers jumped out to a27-9 lead after two meets. In the third event, the Terrapins took 11 of 19points for their only event victory of the night. That also was the onlyevent in which a UVa swimmer did not take first place, save the final eventwhich the Cavaliers swam as an exhibition.
On the men’s side, the Cavaliers held a slim 37.5-36.5 lead afterfour events; however, a 16-3 advantage in the next event put the Wahoos incontrol of the meet. The men’s team took first in six events and swam thefinal event as an exhibition.
The UVa women set six Maryland pool records: Megan Iffland, DanicaWizniuk, Kate Forster and Megan Roesch in the 400 medley relay; SharonRiedlinger in the 1000 freestyle; Rebecca Cronk in the 50 freestyle; EmilyCarrig in the 200 individual medley; Laura Sullivan in the 500 freestyle;and Wizniuk in the 200 breaststroke.
Meanwhile, the men set four pool records of their own: ShamekPietucha, Ed Moses, Doak Finch and Ryan McGeary in the 400 medley relay;Finch in the 200 individual medley; Pietucha in the 200 butterfly; andAustin Ramirez in the 500 freestyle.
The women’s team will return to action at the ACC Championships intwo weeks, while the men’s team will compete in the ACC’s in three weeks.Both championships will be held in College Park.