Two Men's Tennis Players Receive Invitations to NCAA Tournament
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May 10, 1999
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – Two members from the University of Virginia men’stennis team have received bids to participate in the NCAA Men’s TennisChampionships at the University of Georgia on May 26-30. The individualchampionships consist of 64 singles players and 32 doubles teams.
Brian Vahaly, the Cavaliers’ top player this year, received a bid to boththe singles and doubles championships. The sophomore from Atlanta, Ga., isVirginia’s leading winner this season with a 27-8 record and was namedAll-ACC this season for the second time. He competed in the singleschampionship last season and is the first player in school history to beinvited to the national championships two years in a row. Ranked as high as#2 in the nation earlier this season, Vahaly is currently ranked 14th.
Huntley Montgomery, a sophomore from Chapel Hill, N.C., will pair withVahaly in the doubles championships, the first time Virginia has had adoubles team invited to the NCAA Championships. They have combined for a14-9 record this season and are currently ranked ninth in the nation indoubles.
The Cavaliers, 14-9 overall this season, begin play in the first round ofthe team portion of the NCAA Championships on Friday against South Alabamain Oxford, Miss. The winner of this match will face the winner of theMississippi/Navy match on Saturday for the right to advance to the teamchampionships at Georgia on May 22-25.