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Matt Packer a second-year southpaw hailing from Germantown, Tenn., is having one of the best seasons of any Virginia pitcher. He is leading the team in wins and appearances and has a stellar 1.05 ERA. Matt answered some questions for about the transition of coming out of the bullpen, the recent trip to Florida State and his knowledge of fine cinema, among others.

Question: Why did you choose to attend the University of Virginia?
My brother went to UVa; he is four years older than me so I visited him a ton and I fell in love with the place.

Question: To you, what is the team’s biggest strength this year?
Our defense.

Question: Last year you were mostly a starter and only got three wins and this year you are used more out of the bullpen but have racked up five wins and two saves already. Which do you prefer?
It’s hard to say right now but I am enjoying coming in late in the game. It is more of a rush doing what I’m doing now. I would also say that’s the biggest difference in my pitching between this year and last year.

Question: There have been a few times when you have been put in the game in a tough situation or when the other team is on a roll. What kind of mindset do you need in order to go into those situations?
I try to just put the batters to sleep, I like to say. I try to just get into a groove and throw strikes and get them swinging and once they are swinging you can put them to sleep.

Question: With two heart-breaking losses to Florida State earlier this year on the same day by the same score how hard was it for the team to turn around and get back in the groove?
The losses weren’t THAT heartbreaking. We have lost tough ones before and bounced back. Also we didn’t really play that poorly. They are No. 2 in the country and they only beat us by one run in both games and that is tough to come back from in a way, but that’s baseball.

Question: What is it like playing for the Brewster Whitecaps on the Cape this summer?
I’m just going to show up and pitch. I don’t really know too much about it yet.

Question: How do you go about getting that opportunity to play there, do you choose them or do they choose you?
I think the coaches here just put in a good word for us and then they [Cape Cod Baseball League] just put us on a team then call us and ask if we want to play.

Question: What has been your greatest memory as a Cavalier so far?
Wow, that’s a tough one. If I had to pick one I would say DA’s [David Adams] walk-off homerun against Georgia Tech last year. I say that probably because I pitched a bad game that day and that helped me out.

Question: What MLB player most resembles your pitching style?
Actually, I hope I look like him because I have been trying to be like him and that’s Tom Glavine. I watch video of him and really try to pitch like he does.

Question: Who is your favorite MLB team and player?
I don’t really have a favorite team. I’m from Memphis and we don’t have a team in Tennessee. At the beginning of the year I just kind of pick a few teams to keep an eye on. As for player, I would probably say Roger Clemens.

Question: If you could play for any manager in the Bigs, who would it be?
(laughs) Any of them would do for me.

Question: What would you say is the best rivalry in sports?
I’d have to go with Red Sox and Yankees.

Question: Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
Definitely my parents. They always pushed me to do well.

Question: Do you have any nicknames?
Not really, it’s just the last name here so Pack or Packer.

Question: Do you have any secret or hidden talents that others may not know about you?
I’m kind of a movie buff. I can tell you who won best picture at the Oscars for the last 50 or 60 years.

Question: What sport would you want to be great at other than baseball?

Question: If you could pick any sporting event to attend what would it be?
The World Series

Question: Name the strangest food you have ever eaten.
I had octopus one time at a sushi bar. It was all wrapped up in seaweed and other stuff. I don’t really remember if I like it, I kind of blocked it out of my memory.

Question: Cavaliers or Wahoos?

Question: Orange or Blue?

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