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Associate athletic trainer Kelli Pugh is the primary care provider working with the Cavalier football program. She has worked closely with the football team since 2002.

In this position she is responsible for all aspects of the athletic training regimen which includes evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries for the football program.

A native of Springfield, Va., Pugh received her master’s degree in athletic training from the University of Florida in 2002. While at the Gainesville, Fla., school, she worked with the football team as a graduate student athletic trainer. She was also the primary athletic trainer for the women’s golf team. Pugh earned her bachelor’s degree in sports medicine from UVa in 2000. She spent four years as a student athletic trainer, working two seasons with the football team.

Pugh is a certified athletic trainer by the National Athletic Trainers Association and a massage therapist certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. She graduated from the Suncoast School of Massage Therapy in Tampa, FL, in 2001. In addition to her athletic training experience, Pugh has volunteered as a massage therapist with the USA Women’s Lacrosse team and the Canadian National Women’s Rowing team. She is also a Certified CPR/AED Instructor for the American Red Cross.

In 2010 the Virginia Athletic Trainers’ Association (VATA) honored Pugh as its College/University Athletic Trainer of the Year.

Pugh is married to Gary Michael (GM) Pugh of Jacksonville Beach, Fla. They have a daughter, Sophie.

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