Virginia Heads Out for Foreign Tour This Week
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Dec. 16, 2014
Twitter: @UVaBaseball | Coach O’Connor Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – The Virginia baseball team will embark on a week-long foreign tour from Wednesday, Dec. 17, through Wednesday, Dec. 24. The team will travel to Panama and Costa Rica for a week of competition, practice and team building.
“Our foreign tour will be a special opportunity for our players,” Virginia head coach Brian O’Connor said. “In Panama, the team will have an exciting baseball experience while learning about the culture and history of Panama. While in Costa Rica, the players will have some team building opportunities in a unique environment.”
While in Panama City, Virginia will play against Panama Metro on Thursday (Dec. 18). UVa also will have two days of team practice, in addition to some time for sightseeing.
The team heads to Costa Rica on Saturday (Dec. 20) and will have time for team building, sightseeing and relaxation.