
ESPN.com’s Andrea Adelson takes a look at how @UVACoachBronco has “taken a sledgehammer to UVA football and started to change a culture”.


Virginia men’s lacrosse head coach Dom Starsia has more wins (374) than ever Division I coach in the history of the sport. ESPN’s @EamonMcAnaney invited Starsia on his weekly Lacrosse Magazine podcast to not only reflect on his career, the changes in the sport, but to also talk about his involvement with Harlem lacrosse.


There have been a lot of internet articles posted in the last few weeks that are the “way too early” predictions about the 2016-17 basketball season. ESPN senior writer Dana O’Neill also takes a look at the future of Virginia men’s basketball, zeroing in on junior point guard London Perrantes and how he will be the “key to Virginia’s future joy.”