Friday, September 16, 2016
#UVAMBB spent some time on Thursday at the Loves and Fishes Food Bank, helping to prepare emergency food packages for families in need.
#NFF High School Scholar-Athlete Award
#UVAFB freshman quarterback Sonny Abramson has been named one of 36 finalists for the National Football Foundation’s High School Scholar-Athlete Award for the Class of 2016. The finalists were announced this week by the National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame. From the list of 36 finalists the NFF will honor one young man from each of the country’s five regions as the best and brightest for their accomplishments as athletes, scholars and citizens at the high school level. Abramson is one of six from the East Region that will vie for opportunity to represent the region in New York City on Dec. 6 at the NFF Chapter Awards Luncheon.